Sunday 3 July 2016

God's Creative Creations

We are all creations of God. He created many creations beautiful than us. When gardening was started by me as a passion the photography came automatically attached to it as a virus. I wanted to share those clicks of God's creations by my camera. I got this idea from my friend when one of my friend's son needed the insects snaps clicked @ home. Thank you friends!!!! Without your help and support I could not stand here. Happy to share the beauties captured. Hope U enjoy.
Gallery of butterflies:
The following pictures of butterflies are captured from my terrace garden when I go there to get the beautiful prana(air).  I waited for several hours to click the beautiful color inside the closed wings....You could feel that now.

One another day these set of snaps were taken....

This beauty came just like that and flew immediately...

The following is the picture of some insects house. Don't know whose house is that....but I clicked without their permission ;) If u know please tell me. :)

Birds and Beetles:
The Crow and Dove are regular visitors to my home. I give them food daily. Here are some pictures of them.

These Beetles came to my garden when the garden is full of flowers. I enjoyed taking snaps of them. What a beautiful creatures these are!

It's Dragon fly's turn now

Last but not the least I want to add all the caterpillars and pupa I captured from which the beautiful butterflies came out!